Scientific & Technology Center in Podzamcze / Poland
Regional Scientific & Technology Center in Podzamcze near Checiny/Poland is classed as construction project of Regional Industrial Park. and it is located in Podzamcze nearby Checiny (in southern Poland). The main business goal and objective is initiating an integration and collaboration between Technical Universities and Vocational Colleges, R&D Departments, business environments and companies. The main focus is geared towards technology transfer and business growth
Such a building complex will include: Leonardo Da-Vinci Science Centre, Swietokrzyski Bio-bank, Public Bank of Stem Cells, Laboratory of Genetics Research, Bio-tech Laboratory, and Bio-markers Laboratory. Additionally this location includes some monument mansion occupied by Jan Branicki – Head of Local Community in XVII century (currently used as conference and training facility), other monuments and facilities.
Due to large surfaces of glazed façades in this building it was a challenge to provide appropriate temperature and thermal comfort in such a building. Due to this issue our low level convectors has been used for this specific building complex. Also a bit rough in design of the conference rooms have been broken down by LST radiators, that due to natural convection enable even distribution of any heat throughout such rooms.